Navigating LIfestlye Changes - Part 2
In my last edition, I discussed the two pieces of advice that all National Football League (NFL) alumni provide to prospective players. In this edition, I discuss what I call the Five Levels of Money Mastery
Navigating lifestyle Changes- Part 1
Most are aware of how transitioning to life beyond the game can be difficult for NFL players. Few have chosen to shine a spotlight on just how challenging transitioning into the NFL can be.
“Black Monday” in the NFL
At the end of every regular NFL season, the players on 18 teams pack up their lockers, say goodbye to teammates, coaches, and other club personnel, and begin making plans for the next few months.
Mid-Season Shifts
What’s your plan when things don’t go according to plan?
We are in week five in the NFL, which means we are a quarter of the way through the regular season.